the small gesture (movement) in favour of the environemnt
On this page i give advice on the small gestures in the daily newspapers ,that each and every one of us will be able to do without effort ,because for the environment if i am all alone has to make small actions ,this was well on not of great impact,on the other hand if we are several million ,the the impact is palpable ,and if all France if puts ,then our European neighbors ,and if the world if puts ... good have can always dream!
1-Put the food to the wild birds the winters , rather than spending your money in a umpteenth sweater who do vas you meet that some minute and which vas cluttering your closet (or the twentieth pair of footwear ) spent your money in a manger ,or, manufacture in a you even, invertisses in the seeds of sunflowers and the ball of grease for the wild birds ,you will have a lot more satisfaction has the admired in your garden that in a pair of godasse!
2- And in the spring ,purchased or fabricate you even a nest box in order to help the chickadees and other birds rarer beasts has find a shelter . The still rather than spending your sub in futility stupid and who will not make you more happy!
You can thus make a nest box simple without spending a under ,take a pot of flowers ,enlarge the substance is flatten the on a wall was easy to do
Seek to know the birds who composed your environment and seek to know if you can install a nest box ,you will thus contribute to safeguard the birds of your country ,and its it is otherwise more enthusiasm than to go do the balances ,no?
The contribution for the environment is important ,the chickadees is other birds rarer beasts of our country consumes a considerable amount of insects ,track , spider,insects crawling of all kind .
And if you think that insecticides are better, know that that in you to spray(pulverize) to kill certainly the insect, but that you also inhale it, and who is not without consequence on your health and moreover, to spread chemicals in the nature, and then wash by the rain which finds itself in the groundwater which you go to drink then! But well if you preferred chemicals...
There are also breeding grounds for; bats, hedgehog, solitary bees, the Loire You can also plant trees or flowers which attract the butterflies, you can also have a hive, even without collecting(harvesting) the honey there, just to maintain the biodiversity Certain marks(brands) of seeds make now seeds: annual flowers for birds, poppy, sunflowers, has small price also seeds; annual flowers for butterflies...
You can also build a " hotel with insect ": to attract insects useful for the garden, there's nothing like to install(settle) refuges there conceived(designed) to accommodate them, you can even gather(collect) them in a hotel with insectes
3 - if you are an owner of a cat(chat), thank you for putting him(her) a NECKLACE with BELL, in effects the cat(chat) and a formidable predator, he(it) hunts(chases away) numerous birds every year, contributing to their disappearances, without counting all the dangers which watch for birds, and also for others small fauna(crowd), frog, lizard, etc. of course the cat(chat) is for nothing there, it is only following its instincts on the other hand you, you are responsible for him and for his(her,its) capacities of nuisance in the nature, thus a small necklace with bell which costs only some euros, is veiled the tour(ballot) and to play!
4 - sorted out your waste, that does not ask for considerable effort and you protect the environment, and especially, the big object in waste reception center, and it so that he(it) does not find to rot in the nature, this says needs to say that often waste reception centers are difficult to access, has the suburbs, there is there a problem of order urban affairs!
It would be necessary to rethink its structures so that she(it) is accessible(approachable) to the largest number! 5 - if possible used by the green energies, as the photovoltaic or the wind energy, the electric motor car, and those to protect existing Energy! Well I recognize that for the moment these energies are dear(expensive), reserved for the easy(well-to-do) households(houseworks), the good question to ask oneself that is why the renewable energies they are inaccessible has all the world
6 - there biological food protects the environment, so by choosing the food of biological origin you protect indirectly the nature, from a nutritional point of view I not not safe(sure) of one better by contribution in the traditional, but his(her,its) does not hurt certainly more; and on the other hand for the environment, his(her) respect completely the biodiversity, this says just like the renewable energies that remain dearer(more expensive) than the members of the National Convention, even there the question is why?
7-to let grow local vegetables in your garden, and limited as much as possible the exotic vegetables, as for example the ivy, the elders rather than to plant a conifer which just serves has the decoration, to plant of the pyracantha which is also ornamental, make bays(berries) for birds the winter, and for spring served as breeding ground for the birds which can make their nests there! In your garden évitéDans your avoided garden the sorts(species) which asks too much insecticide the interview(maintenance), to use some insecticide only so really essential, otherwise to let make the nature, to let grow the ivy on your facade of house, it is attractive and useful for birds are the local insects, think of helping, the squirrels, the hedgehogs of insects, solitary bees
Trees and flowers useful for the biodiversity are exactly the ones that people hate and tear away(extract) systematically, the ivy, elders, hawthorn, stinging nettles, poppy, Marguerite, tree from butterflies, the Virginia creeper and the assimilated plants, finally know that to cut your trees help birds to nest, indeed the fact of cutting a branch makes that the tree is going to grow again in a multitude of small branches, that is it is going to branch out and thus be of use as refuge to birds you can also végétaliser your facades, and your roofs, with some ivy or quite different plant climbing, it is attractive and its help the biodiversity of your garden 8-on the Internet to participate in causes in favour of the environment, as for example the ban on the hunting of

Here is all his(her,its) small gestures(movements) seem to you difficult, NO? Then why you not made by your influence on the environment is between(in) your hands, to you to play! That you soyer rich or senior, poor worker or executives you have the capacity if you have the will of it to make at least one or deu gesture(movement) of the everyday life(daily paper) in favour of the environment!
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